Size: 80 cm X 57 cm (small) , 140 cm X 100 cm (large)
The key point of this Beholders project is to personify the surveillance camera. By using various color and posing them, those cameras' imaginary roles, emotions and personalities are exposed to the audience. The surveillance camera is the city's observer, but citizens who are observed seldom look the cameras face to face. Thus, I would like to create an equal relation between people and surveillance cameras by photographing them from the perspective of portraiture. I hope to enable the audiences to face surveillance cameras right in front of them, and to figure out their “expressions”.
觀察者係列的重點是將監控攝像機擬人化。通過使用明亮的彩色光給監控器們拍攝肖像,他們被設定的角色,情感和個性在觀眾面前展露無遺。監控器是城市的觀察者,但是 我通過拍攝肖像的角度為兩者創造出一種公平的關係。我希望觀眾可以站在監控攝像機的像前以“面對面”的角度重新審視它們,並 揣測它們的“表情”。